SEO Is Not That Hard
Are you eager to boost your website's performance on search engines like Google but unsure where to start or what truly makes a difference in SEO?
Then "SEO Is Not That Hard" hosted by Edd Dawson, a seasoned expert with over 20 years of experience in building and successfully ranking websites, is for you.
Edd shares actionable tips, proven strategies, and valuable insights to help you improve your Google rankings and create better websites for your users.
Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned SEO professional, this podcast offers something for everyone. Join us as we simplify SEO and give you the knowledge and skills to achieve your online goals with confidence.
Brought to you by keywordspeopleuse.com
SEO Is Not That Hard
Responding to customer feedback
Unlock the secrets of turning customer feedback into tangible product enhancements on this episode of "SEO is Not That Hard." Join me, Ed Dawson, as I share a transformative story from Keywords People Use, sparked by our insightful customer Carlos. Discover how Carlos's request for an improved search alerts feature led to the swift creation of our "download uniques" option, all within just 24 hours. This episode promises to reveal how prioritizing user feedback not only solves immediate issues but also fosters innovation and satisfaction.
As you tune in, you'll hear about the dynamic relationship between customer insights and product evolution. I'll highlight the importance of being open and responsive to user suggestions, emphasizing that the best ideas often come from those who use the tools daily. While we can’t always implement changes overnight, we strive to address quick fixes and incorporate valuable feedback into our development roadmap. Listen for a compelling discussion on how addressing user pain points ensures our service continually adapts to add value to businesses and clients alike.
SEO Is Not That Hard is hosted by Edd Dawson and brought to you by KeywordsPeopleUse.com
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See Edd's personal site at edddawson.com
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"Werq" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
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Hello and welcome to SEO is not that hard. I'm your host, ed Dawson, the founder of keywordspeopleusecom, the place to find and organise the questions people ask online. I'm an SEO developer, affiliate marketer and entrepreneur. I've been building and monetising websites for over 20 years and I've bought and sold a few along the way. I'm here to share with you the SEO knowledge, hints and tips I've built up over the years the SEO knowledge, hints and tips I've built up over the years. Hello, welcome to SEO is not that hard. It's me, ed Dawson, your host, as usual, and today I'm going to be talking about why it's important to respond to customer feedback. Now, at Keywords People Use.
Speaker 1:We really value hearing back from our customers and our users on where their pain points are with our product, where there's things that you know just a small tweak could make a massive improvement to our service and how people get value out of it. So it's really key that A you give people lots of different ways to get in touch with you, and we do that by we have live chat, we have email, we have contact forms. You know we love to hear from people, um, and we will always, always try and act on that feedback if we can. So here's an example, um. So hi to carlos, if you're listening um. One of our customers, carlos, contacted us recently um to say how much he loved our search alerts feature, which is great. We do love to hear if we're doing things well, but he pointed out that he was finding it tricky to get a particular question answered on a regular basis for himself, which is basically for his customers. He wants to be able to quickly and easily see when a completely brand new question appears in People Also Ask or in Google Autocomplete, because these are the questions and the content that they want to get writing and get content out on straight away.
Speaker 1:And it's just. They want a very quick way. I mean search alerts features. It works at the moment is great, as in it shows you neurons when they turn up um, but this one, they wanted a very quick way of seeing when it's a completely brand new one, never seen before. So we took that, we spoke about it in-house and we put a new update in and released it, I think within less than 24 hours of colas's request. We um created a system where now you can go to any search alert and there's a download uniques button and that will download a CSV file with a list of all the queries that have ever appeared on a search alert, from the very start, ordered by when they were first discovered and with the date first discovered next week's query so that now all that Carless has to do every day is just download that CSV and quickly open it up and see if there's anything new coming since the search load was last run. So it's a really great little feature.
Speaker 1:I mean, obviously there's things we could do to make it probably more intuitive with the interface in the future and things like that. But obviously we wanted to get something out quick for Carlos, because he'd got a problem, uh, and a pinch point that wasn't being solved, um, by the interface as it was. So we wanted to get something out there quick, um, and yeah, we did it. Now, obviously we've we can't necessarily act on all requests that quickly. We always try to. If there's something that's um, just a small fix or something we can do quickly, then we will. If not, we'll always definitely fit it into our roadmap.
Speaker 1:And because the best source of new features are actual users, because those are people who are using our tool day in, day out to solve a problem in their business to provide value to their customers, to provide value to themselves. And if they're coming up across something again and again when using it and it's enough for them to contact us to say that this is an issue that needs looking at, then we will be straight on it. We actually value it as the most important of any input into our development process because, while we might have lots of ideas internally of things we want to do, and although we are obviously users of the product ourselves for our own sites and we've obviously built keywords people use in a way, in the first instance to solve our own problems, but that doesn't mean the problems we're trying to solve are the only problems out there that the tool could solve, and there are use cases and problems that could be solved that we don't appreciate in the way that we use it. So that's where it's really key to hear from people how their work processes are and the problems they're trying to solve and when our tool doesn't quite match up to what they're trying to do, and give us these requests on to how it could possibly be improved for them. And obviously, if you improve it for that person, you're 99% sure you're going to be improving it for at least one other person, if not many, many more people, and they make a problem that we don't see as expert users. Obviously, because if we've designed the product, we know it inside out. Everybody else coming to the product for the first time isn't going to have that complete product overview that we've got internally. So it's really really key to hear these things from people and get that feedback and respond to it.
Speaker 1:And if you are a keywords people use a customer user and you know you've got some feedback or there's something that we're not doing, that you think we should be doing, or that if we could do that could solve your problems much more simply and easily, then please do, yeah, get in touch with me, get in touch with the team. You can use the contact form, you can email us at team at keywords people, usecom, or you can use the live chat. We'd love to hear from you because we love to solve these problems for people, so do get in touch. So, yes, this is really just a reminder to you that the very best feedback you're ever going to get on your product is from actual customers who have signed up if especially if they are customers that have paid to sign up and are paying to use your product. This is the the grade of feedback you're ever going to get and I strongly suggest that you you know respond to that feedback and, wherever possible, act on it as soon as possible, because these are real people and these are the real problems they want to solve. And if you can't respond straight away, then definitely put their feedback into your development roadmap and for where you go in the future anyway. So it's just a short one this week, but I think it's an important one to highlight and, yeah, until next time. I'll see you later.
Speaker 1:Before I go, I just wanted to let you know that if you'd like a personal demo of our tools at Keywords People Use that you can book a free, no obligation one-on-one video call with me where I show you how we can help you level up your content by finding and answering the questions your audience actually have. You can also ask me any SEO questions you have. You just need to go to keywordspeopleusecom slash demo where you can pick a time and date that suits you for us to catch up Once again. That's keywordspeopleusecom slash demo and you can also find that link in the show notes of today's episode. Hope to chat with you soon.
Speaker 1:Thanks for being a listener. I really appreciate it. Please subscribe and share. It really helps. Seo is Not that Hard is brought to you by keywordspeople people usecom, the place to find and organize the questions people ask online. See why thousands of people use us every day. Try it today for free at keywords people usecom to get an instant hit of more seo tips. Then find the link to download a free copy of my 101 quick seo tips in the show notes of today's episode. If you want to get in touch, have any questions, I'd love to hear from you. I'm at channel five on twitter. You can email me at podcast at keywords people usecom. Bye for now and see you in the next episode of seo is not that hard.