SEO Is Not That Hard

How to optimize your content with KeywordsPeopleUse

Edd Dawson Season 1 Episode 171

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to SEO is not that hard. I'm your host, ed Dawson, the founder of keywordspeopleusecom, the place to find and organise the questions people ask online. I'm an SEO developer, affiliate marketer and entrepreneur. I've been building and monetising websites for over 20 years and I've bought and sold a few along the way. I'm here to share with you the SEO knowledge, hints and tips I've built up over the years. Hello, welcome back to SEO is not that hard. It's me, ed Dawson, here hosting, as always, and today I've got news of a new feature we have here at Keywords People Use.

Speaker 1:

Now, those of you that have listened to the podcast long enough will know that basically, keywords People Use started as me, trying to implement the process that I've always used for how I create content and rank websites, which I've done for the past 20 years, based on a philosophy of organizing your content around questions and, obviously, the tool. My ultimate aim for the tool is to progress into essentially something that can help you from not just the keyword research but all the way up to publishing and optimizing your content. And obviously, last year we launched the keyword clustering process, which is kind of the second part. So once you've found your questions, you then cluster your questions so that you make sure you get all the questions together and the keywords together that Google's looking to have answered and built for on a single page, and then you can then build your content clusters out from that so you can find related pages, cluster them together. And that was the next part of the process. Now the third part of the process is obviously the ongoing optimization of your content, because obviously when you create content for the first time, of course you hope you're going to cover everything. Well, that's not always the case. I mean, it literally is never the case that the content is perfectly right the first time. You always need to be thinking about how you can optimize and make the most of that content within Google.

Speaker 1:

So if you look at how Keywords People Use works, obviously the first part of the process, where we find the questions, that's all based on real data from Google and other sources like Reddit and Quora, but it's all real questions people are using, so we're basing that on data. Second part of the process keyword clustering. That's all based on data from the Google search and what keywords are ranking, what questions are ranking together, so we can find related keywords and cluster them. So it's all again based on Google data and the third part of the process optimizing your content once you've written it, plus content you've already got written. You know you can plug into that. You can plug this content in for content you've written, without coming to a work with keywords people use. But obviously you know there's a process that we're trying to build up here and that is again to get data from Google.

Speaker 1:

Now the source of data from Google about how your actual content and your actual website is performing is in Google Search Console, which I've obviously spoken about before. So yeah, so Google Search Console allows you to register and verify that you own a site with Google and then Google will then give you lots of information that isn't publicly available about how your site's performing, so what pages you've got indexed and the queries that you're ranking for and the position you're ranking for those queries on average, and the kind of clicks and impressions you're getting on those queries. So it's a whole load of like fantastic data that you can make use of, obviously to help sort of understand how your site is performing and then it can give you clues about how you can make it perform better. Now there are limitations on Google Search Console, for example, they only give you 1,000 rows of data and it's not the greatest interface and there's more that you could do with it, basically. So what we've done is which Google will let you do, is they let you third parties connect to this API for their Google search console so we can connect in from keywords people use into your Google search console data, and then we can obviously pull that data and we can find the pages that are indexed and the queries that are ranking and the pages that those queries are ranking for. Now we then take that data and we obviously A we can get more than 1,000 rows. We can get as many rows as necessary that are available for any given time period, and we can then take that data and then we can do the next part of the process, which is we then go and crawl and visit every single one of the pages that you're ranking for and we can download the content of your pages so that we could understand that content and see how that content performs against the queries that you're ranking for.

Speaker 1:

So this is really fantastic. We're basically at the point where we can actually provide proper, decent suggestions on how you can optimize your content. So how it works is really simple from your site, you just have to connect to your Google account keywords people use and that is as simple as just on our site, clicking a button that says connect to Google account, and you log in to your Google account and then from there you can then add sites in, and all you have to do is literally go again on our site, just click, drop down. All your sites will be there. You've got registered in Google Search Console for your Google account. Just select the one you want to connect and then We'll start pulling the data automatically through the API from your Google search account and from there we'll be able to see all the pages that you've got indexed and all the query data.

Speaker 1:

And then our next step is we automatically start going and crawling your site and getting the content that's on each of the pages that you've got indexed. So this could be thousands and thousands of pages, and we'll download the content from them so that we can then understand the content of each page, which means we can then combine that with the Google query data to be able to give you full visibility on areas where you might be able to improve your content. So you might be able to tell from my voice, I'm actually quite excited about this new feature that we've added. It's kind of the culmination of two or more years years worth of work, where we're trying to get from that position that we don't just be a keyword research tool and then we don't just be a keyword research and clustering tool. We actually want to be able to understand your site, understand what Google thinks of your site and helps you sort of make that next leap in terms of how you optimize and grow your site after you've actually produced stuff. So let's talk about some of the things that you can do in the tool that will help you.

Speaker 1:

Now, one of the key things is once you've, you know, connected a site and we've we've crawled it and we've got the data and we have these filters that allow you to filter information. Now there's two main views you'll have, which is where you can look at the query level, so you can just sort by the queries that your site's getting, and then also the page level, so you can then just look at an individual page, the queries it's getting and how it's ranking. So we've got some. As I say, there are some fantastic filters, the best way of watching how this all works is I've done a YouTube video of me actually running through how to use it with a few different demo sites of ours and you can see exactly how it will work then and I'll put a link to that into the show notes and also I think I'm going to release the audio of that as a bonus podcast so you can listen to the audio if you haven't got time to watch the video. You want to listen to that? Next, it will be sort of published at the same time as this.

Speaker 1:

But essentially, some of the key ones are we've got the filters, which are on page two. So this is where you can find all queries or all pages that are ranking on page two. So now these are the ones where google's thinks. You know you're obviously relevant to the um, to the query, because you're on page two, but you're not quite on to page one. So if you can narrow down these pages and queries where you're on page two and these are the little ones where just a little nudge, a little bump, these are the ones where you could start quickly getting you some very quick wins.

Speaker 1:

We also have a no mentions filter. Now this is where we key. This is where we've got to look to your content and we can compare that with the queries that that content is ranking for, and we find where you're ranking for queries but there's no mention of those queries on your pages. Now this is like a really, really quick one. If you can often cases put that query onto the page that you're ranking for, then it's going to quickly potentially give you a really good boost in content in the SERPs. Because if Google thinks you're ranking well for a query that you don't even mention on the page and it's ranking you well for that, then mentioning it on the page can just be a very simple fix to actually just boost your position, sometimes quite significantly. So that's a really, really key one, and just finding that information is really really complex if you're trying to back-reference all these queries and all your page content to try and work out where you haven't got those mentions, and this tool just does it for you in a snap, just like that. So that's one of the real key ones.

Speaker 1:

Then we've also got ones around searching for things based on where your positions are. Whether got ones around searching for things based on where your positions are, whether there's any big unique impressions are over 500, where your best position is below or above certain thresholds, ones where you're getting no clicks but you can get good impressions. So you can find, actually I'm getting good impressions but no clicks, why, you know? Let's go and investigate that. What can we do to improve that situation? And also a questions one where you can, you can filter those queries down to the questions that you're answering.

Speaker 1:

Basically, another key one is our no cannibalization filter, and this is one that's available at the page level. So when you're looking at pages, obviously you can see that you're ranking for a page, but you're not ranking on as well as you could Say, you're ranking on page two for this keyword and you think, oh, I'm going to try and bump this one to page one. But what you might not realize is you've actually got another page that is already ranking on page one. So you don't want to cannibalize, you don't want to try and bump the second one. If you've got another page that's ranking better, you've got to avoid that cannibalization. So the no cannibalization filter ensures that when you're looking at page level data, you only see the pages where you are the top ranking one of your site for that particular query, I mean, and that's why it's a filter. Some people want to see it both ways, so we make it, so it's a filter, but that's really key and something I've not seen available elsewhere. I do suggest go and look at the video and you'll get a really good overview of how this works.

Speaker 1:

Okay, but now the bad news. Now, this process, this feature, it's very computationally heavy. It costs us a lot. Obviously, we've got to go to crawl sites, we've got to store a lot of data and process a lot of data. So, fortunately, at the moment it's not something we're going to be able to make available on our free plan or even on our live plan. So at the moment, this is standard, pro and unlimited subscribers, only subscribers, only um.

Speaker 1:

We are looking at what we can do in terms of um, how we can make this at least for people to try at some point um to see that value um, but right now it's just, you know, but at the, the point of just launching, we're just limiting it to to our um. Yeah, so our standard, prone and limited subscribers. So if you do want to, to try it out for yourself, then you can obviously just upgrade your account to a standard plan. Um, you know, we, our plans, are no commitment, so you can, um, obviously, just try it and then, if you're not, you don't like it, you can just downgrade your account again. So, um, you know you don't lose out. But sorry that there's a bad news that it's not available right now. But, you know, do watch this space because you know we're going to see what we can do to make it more widely available to try.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so that's it for today. I will obviously keep you updated as this feature develops and evolves over time, because there's going to be loads more stuff that we do with it. I'm sure, um, you know there's, you know, marrying the concept of knowing your site and the query data and the content of your site. There's so much there that we could possibly do with it. But for now, yeah, that's it and yeah, look forward to seeing you in the next episode. Before I go, I just wanted to let you know that if you'd like a personal demo of our tools at keywords people use that you can book a free, no obligation, one-on-one video call with me where I'll show you how we can help you level up your content by finding and answering the questions your audience actually have. You can also ask me any SEO questions you have. You just need to go to keywordspeopleusecom slash demo where you can pick a time and date that suits you for us to catch up Once again. That's keywordspeopleusecom slash demo and you can also find that link in the show notes of today's episode. Hope to chat with you soon.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for being a listener. I really appreciate it. Please subscribe and share. It really helps. Seo is not that hard. It's brought to you by KeywordsPeopleUsecom, the place to find and organize the questions people ask online. See why thousands of people use us every day. Try it today for free at KeywordsPeopleUsecom To get an instant hit of more SEO tips. Then find the link to download a free copy of my 101 quick SEO tips in the show notes of today's episode. If you want to get in touch, have any questions, I'd love to hear from you. I'm at channel5 on Twitter. You can email me at podcast at keywordspeopleusecom. Bye for now and see you in the next episode of SEO is not that hard.

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